Sunday, November 25, 2012

If I Were A Boy..

A lot of movies depicting us that a man's life better and more beautiful than a woman's life .
Sometimes .. I hope to become a man .. for example .. sleep (as woman) and then wake up in the morning (as man).. I think I'll be winning most of the time
No responsibility..
No fear..
No complicated feelings..
Not crying all the time..
I must be brave .. and some reckless thing..
and other things known only men.

I do not want to give up my "femininity" but it's a small wish I hope that you get one day of days.

watch this


  1. Replies
    1. haha, what do you think is more difficult Isamu, being a man or a woman? Or are they equally difficult but in different ways?

    2. Manar, very good journal! Why do you think movies depict men's lives as better? Do you think this is real?

    3. yes katrina i think that.. because a lot of movies talk about it ,and We must believe it..I think the directors prefer to depict reality more than fantasy.
